October 16, 2023
We have launch a campaign which focuses on protesting against THREE massive warehouses proposed to City of Lake Forest Planning Commission. The initiative was assisted by CEDS, a non-profit organization that helps people to preserve the health, safety, and tranquility of their neighborhoods when threatened by excessive traffic, proposed gas stations, landfills, and many other Issues.
The campaign is as follows:
Dear Neighbors,
Your home, like mine, is within a half-mile radius of THREE massive warehouses proposed to City of Lake Forest Planning Commission, as highlighted in yellow in the aerial image below.
The independent environmental assessments suggest the impacts are likely to be VERY SIGNIFICANT. The emissions of NOx (maximum off-site concentration1,014 ug/m3) and PM-10 (maximum off-site concentration 123 ug/m3)would violate the ambient air quality standards.
The City of Lake Forest Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on November 9th on an environmental impact report indicating the warehouse will cause no significant harm to you and the 5,000 to 7,000 people living within the half-mile zone.
Please join us in urging thePlanning Commission to reject the report by signing the petition at ceds.org/lfw to voice your concerns. You can scan the QR code below to sign the petition.