November 6, 2023
Good evening, Mayor Cirbo, esteemed members of the City Council, and fellow residents:
I am Harrison Jiang, a homeowner of The Meadows community right there in LakeForest. Today, I have the honor of representing both the We the MeadowsOrganization and the Lake Forest Neighborhoods Alliance.
I would like to direct yourattention to the written testimony that I’ve submitted, which includes aprinted version of our online petition, starting from the third page. To date,this petition has received support from 244 Lake Forest residents, who stronglyurge the city to reject the current application. Allow me to outline the topfour reasons for their objections:
First and foremost, theconcentrated air pollution and noise generated by diesel truck traffic pose asignificant threat to the health of our residents, particularly our seniors,many of whom already battle health conditions like rhinitis and allergies.
Secondly, independent studiesindicate that the emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx)and particulate matter(PM10) from this project are likely to exceed ambient air quality standards.
Thirdly, the undisclosed activitiesat the proposed new industrial building represent a substantial risk of causingpollution and environmental harm. Approving this project without this critical informationwould be a serious neglect of the city’s duty.
Lastly, we must consider thebroader context of our environmental initiatives. Approving this project woulddirectly contradict to the core principles of “Quality
of Life” and the Land Use Goal of“Compatible Development” (LU‐2) as outlined in the Lake Forest General Plan.
On the fourth page of my writtentestimony, you'll find an aerial map marked with numerous yellow dots, eachrepresenting the location of our supporters. The green‐labeled neighborhoods onthe map, enclosed by the red circle, indicate the half‐mile radius within whichresidents’ health will be significantly affected, according to an analysisconducted by Ray Kapahi, a Senior Air Quality Consulting Engineer retained bylocal residents.
We firmly believe that thepublished Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration falls short inaddressing potential health and environmental impacts on our community.Therefore, we strongly urge both the City Planning Commission and the CityCouncil to deny this application and, instead, request a more comprehensiveenvironmental impact study.
Thank you for your attention andconsideration of this crucial matter.